Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Poverty here or there?

Hey guys, I guess it's been a week or so since I've written...I want to be more consistent but I don't always have thoughts, and also I was away all weekend...in abbotsford with my friends...so good...so short.

Anyways, I have been thinking for a few years now, about poverty and the dynamic between Canadian poverty and third world poverty. It's hard because I work in the homeless industry, but when I think of places in Africa, South America, and other places even in Europe it makes it somewhat hard for me to want to help people here. This is mostly due to the fact that we have governmental systems that take care of people, and I know there's a shortage of low income housing, and I know that welfare, or disability cheques don't always cut the mustard, but if you think of what people get here, and what people get there, it is harder and harder to think that the people in 'desperate situations' in Canada are actual life threatening 'desperate situations'. I'm not saying that we shouldn't help people in our own neighbourhood, but like I said in my last post, it makes it hard when people consider the help 'rights', especially when if you brought that same help to a family in Africa they would probably be so grateful.
I used to think that I would someday be a missionary...recently that passion has been returning. I don't know if I will ever be a cross-cultural missionary. I think it will always be a passion of mine, and I guess it's my responsibility and choice with what I do with that passion...I guess we will see.
Anyways, until things happen again...peace

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Grace and Human rights

Last week as I was covering the reception position at our foodbank here in Kelowna, someone came in for a food hamper. After bringing up their file it was clear that they were not eligible to receive food for us for another week, as we have a once a month policy, as well as a two week policy with the other food bank in town. This person tried to convince me that it was their 'right' to have a hamper. This got me thinking about our rights as humans, and the question I had, was "do we actually have rights, and if we do, why, and in what areas?" I never looked this up, but I think that we, as Canadians, claim that everyone has a right to certain things, basic necessities, such as food, water, clothing and shelter. If it's not official, there are many who wouldargue this point. This got me thinking of government systems, as well as charities, and then of God and His grace to us. I made the comparison of someone coming to the food bank claiming their 'right' to food, and that of a person claiming their 'right' to heaven. God forgives us, and saves us, but by no means to we have a right to be saved...it is a gift. A food hamper is a gift, it is not a right. Welfare cheques are a gift, in my opinion, it shouldn't be a right. I could be wrong, and this may make me sound like a jerk, but as people, I don't think we have legitimate rights to anything. Life is a gift. I'nm not saying that I want recognition at the food bank, but I guess my point is that our society is somewhat warped in what we think we deserve. Everything is a gift, the mountains, the trees, air to breath, water to swim, how do you make an argument that we deserve something, especially when we had no participation in creating it. Anyways, just some thoughts,

Monday, February 20, 2006

By Faith

Well friends, I know it's been a couple days since my one and only post, so I figured I better post again otherwise you'll never come back to read it. So here it is...my illustrious second post...I haven't had many thoughts in the last couple days, but something that i have been learning a lot lately is to live by faith. In Hebrews 11 it talks about how noah built the ark before he saw a drop of water...by faith; Abraham obeyed and went where he didn't know he was going...by faith; by faith Jacob worshiped as he was dying...bye faith Moses chose to be among his people...the people of God, rather than enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time...by faith...by faith...by faith...WOW!!! When I look at all those 'supermen' of faith, I tend to sometimes think, "man, I'll never be there." But then I think, "It doesn't matter if I change the course of the world, or that I become some big public Christian superhero...I can be who I am, using the gifts God has given me, and in that become important to some people, and build them up..." When I was a kid, I used to think that God was going to do something great with me...although my thoughts were more in the public eye, and of changing the world, I still think that God can do great things with me, if I let Him free inside of me. Anyways I am easily distracted, and someone just called me about work stuff so it looks like this posting is about done. One last thought...I have been thinking the last few days about eagles, and the thought of flying within a ministry...just letting loose, not holding anything back and givin' er...I am often too scared to let loose, partly because I feel inadequate, and partly because I know the bigger I try and grow my ministry, the more responsibility is there and the more work it entails...in time...in time I will let loose. Anyways even if no one reads this it has at least got me thinking...

Friday, February 17, 2006

Joining the Blogging world

Well Everyone, here I am. When my dad first started blogging, I thought he was a nerd...then my brother began only a few months ago, and I'm pretty sure I called him a geek...but then I got to thinking.."ya know, sometimes I have good thoughts that people should read about". Since it doesn't look like I'm gonna write a book anytime soon, I think I will try my hand at this blogging thing first.

Anyways, if anyones just stopping by reading this...I am a single, white male...uhmm, I was just informed this wasn't like the personals in the paper...hmmm

Seriously though, I am 23 years old, live in Kelowna, BC and work for The Salvation Army as a Community Outreach Coordinator. This position finds me working with the Homeless population, as well as in our emergency services. Quite the difference in many cases, but at the same time, they are quite similar. I have a Counseling/Caregiving degree from Columbia Bible College. Through this blog, I'm assuming I will reveal more and more about myself, as is natural, but at the same time I am unsure if people, other than my friends, will even read my blog (To be honest I'll be a bit surprised if even my friends and family read it). Maybe it will end up being more of a glorified journal that will encourage me to journal. Anyways...hello blogging world...is there anyone out there??