Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sorry Ladies!!!

Well ladies, I know it is a sad day in each of your see, I, Jeremy Thompson, am dating someone. Okay okay, so maybe I didn't break any hearts, but I just thought I would share the news with all of you. For one month now we have been dating, and it has been a great time...
Let me take this opportunity to describe her to you:

Her name is Amarosia, and she is a 6'4 blonde Mexican with green eyes. She moved here from Mexico 2 months ago and sought me out (personally I think she's in it for a Visa, but hey...I'm down). Okay okay on to the truth,

Her name is Sarah, and she is around 5'4 (I think) maybe 5'5 and she has brown hair and hazel eyes. She is very beautiful...She is a dance teacher, and also works at Purdy's (sugar momma...haha). Anyways...
I just wanted to tell all of you that it is very exciting starting a new relationship, and a lot of learning, as it is new to both of us....but we're having a good time, and figuring things out....

Anyways, once again I just want to apologize to all the ladies out there, but what can ya do...


Friday, September 22, 2006

who says hilarity has to be appropriate

I know it's small...I wasn't sure how to make it bigger, but please read the red-headed kids shirt.

Now, this picture was taken in Ucluelet on Big Beach, and it is a kid from Port Alberni, so it is not necessarily abnormal to see this kind of sweater on a kid...however, this picture was taken AT MY SISTER'S WEDDING!!! Again, not unnatural as they are from Port Alberni (I take much pride in my home town).
I think this is hilarious...but maybe that's just me,

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

You Are a Plain Ole Cup of Joe
But don't think plain - instead think, uncomplicatedYou're a low maintenance kind of girl... who can hang with the guysDown to earth, easy going, and fun! Yup, that's you: the friend everyone invites.And your dependable too. Both for a laugh and a sympathetic ear.

hmmm...I would have never known that I am a plain, low-maintenance girl...Thank Robyn

Friday, September 15, 2006

celeb look a likes

I did not bad...two backstreet boys, a former new kid...also brad pitt...Angelina here I come...I think there's a pattern here...I'M HOT!!! Oh and by the way...NO GIRLS...woohoo...all man here baby!!!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Life in Port (Alberni)

Well...last Friday was my last day working for the Salvation Army. Since then I have come back home to Port Alberni to be with family as my sister is getting married this Saturday. It is so good being home without the stress of going back to a job that I don't really want to go back to. It has been relaxing and I have had a lot of fun with my family. When I go back I am hoping to get a job that I will really enjoy and find my passion. I have a couple of ideas, but I will share them only later, when I get a job. Until then, I will have a rest. At least I have a ball game on Tuesday next week, so I have a reason to quickly get back to Kelowna. Please pray for me in this transition that I will find myself in a job, that's not necessarily comfortable, but that is more my speed, and perhaps one that will allow me to use my abilities to the fullest. Thank-you all...
Peace Out the way, I've tried to do the celeb look a like thing and I have a sweet pic, but for whatever reason it won't upload the pic...I'll keep trying,

Sunday, September 03, 2006

So this is a post, based on a special request from a person I just met (well met for the second time, but who counts the first time anyways...especially when she was just watching movies and didn't even say two words to me). Anyways, Lana (if that is your name...I'm terrible with names) this ones for you...