Monday, June 26, 2006

So Yesterday was my birthday. On friday some people I work with decided to fulfill the birthday wish list that I sent to them via email. The list included things like a house, and air conditioned car, a scooter, a piano, ya know relatively reasonable things. So in attempts to fulfill this wishlist I got certain items...following are some pictures we took during that lunch hour. Since I cannot figure out how to put pictures in order, they appear as they are. I wanted them in a different order...oh well, can't win em all...

In all their wisdom, most of my co-workers think I need a wife (after all, I am biological clock is ticking)...anyways this is supposed to be my least she's a piano player...

I figured if she's my wife...I may as well smooch her...

And then came our duet, on the sweet keys that I got...

The cake was good...too bad the others didn't get a chance to have some (come on...the cake wasn't THAT big)

I then serenaded everyone with my sweet skills...

Thus concluded Friday....

On Sunday (my actual birthday) after going to church and then winning the championship on my slow pitch team (we won sweet baseball bags) I spent the day with my parents who are out camping in their trailor. We had very good dinner of steak, chicken, new potatos, corn on the cob, and caesar was delicious (thanks mom and dad). Then we just chilled, made some jiffy pop over the campfire. It was sweet. They got me wireless headphones for my birthday (now I can lie on my bed AND listen to music) doesn't get much better.

Anyways that was my weekend...very busy, but good overall...

This evening (monday) we had a farewell for some doctor friends of mine who are going to Toronto to get married and then going to Port McNeill for their second and final year of practicum (after which they will be family doctors)...

Hope everyone is you all,


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ode to my pappy (actually Father, or dad...I never call him pappy)

He's been there since my first day
He was always there to pay
He taught me how to play ball,
So today I gave him a call

I won him over with my smile,
Sometimes he had to clean up bile (ha ha that's gross)
As a father he is great,
Recently he's lost a lot of weight,

So to my dad I say thanks,
For all the love and all the spanks
For all the talks and all the laughs,
Thanks for not making me do crafts.

Well dad, I may not be Edgar Allen Poe, but here's my way of saying I love you...

Cheers all,

Saturday, June 17, 2006

A couple months ago now I bought a new camera. It was a good price at futureshop and was really all that I needed, so instead of spending a thousand or more bucks and awesome camera (that I would never really learn how to use properly) I decided to spend 400 bucks on a Sony 5.1 megapixel, 12 X optical zoom. I figure it's a good starter camera, and if I ever get more into photography I can upgrade. So after I bought it I spent some time taking pictures (makes sense hey?)
The following series on my feet I share with you because I find it humurous. The pictures themselves aren't so humurous, but the fact that I spent time sitting on a bench taking these pictures I find quite funny. Anyways...have fun..

So there it first photo entries on blogger. It has taken this long because I didn't know how to post pictures...but this morning I actually spent the 30 seconds and figured it out...very easy. Anyways til next time,

Thursday, June 15, 2006

I've got friends in high places!!!

So I just came back from an ESS BBQ (ESS is Emergency Social Services, who are the people that would take care of you if your house burnt down or if you were evacuated in the case of a large forest fire or flooding). I must say, since coming to Kelowna I think I have made a good impression on people, which is good. I don't mean this post to brag, but right now I'm feeling pretty good about some of the things I have been doing here, and people I have been making an impression on. So today during the BBQ I realized that I have built a friendship (well probably more an acquaintance) with both the Mayor of Kelowna, as well as the Fire Chief. I am on a first name basis with both. Also, the fire chief even remembered that last time I saw him (over a month ago) he remembered that I had a sprained wrist. I was also joking around with the chief and assistant chief very much the same way that I would think the firefighters would joke around with each other. Okay, so now I'm sounding like a fool and like I'm starstruck, which I'm actually not. I just think it's funny some of the circles that I am finding myself in. It is actually encouraging, and makes me want to do a better job, because essentially, in some cases I will be serving these people, and I want to serve them with the same love that Christ served. I do think it is neat getting to know some of these people, and who knows maybe if someday I need a job...
Anyways til another day (hopefully sooner than last)
Love all,