Saturday, December 30, 2006

Quotes of the week

So for the Holidays I have made it to my parents house in Port Alberni. It has been a great to catch up with everyone and just have the relaxing time that only home can actually bring. I also went to Surrey with most of my family to visit other members of my family. Along the way I have noticed some very humourous quotes from my family that have made me laugh out loud. Now unfortunately I can only remember a few of them because I didn't write them down, but I thought I would share them with you. Enjoy...

My mom (while looking at the key rack by the front door): What's this key for? [puts key in door and turns] Oh!!! It's a house key!! [excitedly] By Yiminy, I need another house key.

My 4 year old Nephew to my sister (as she approaches him and says hi for the first time in months): [Said with grumpy face and very matter of factly] Where's my present!!!

Same nephew to same sister 2 days later: [in a very sweet little boy tone] Are you sure you don't have any more presents for me?

My sister (as my dad is driving us in Surrey; one day after she got horribly lost in surrey): [Confidently] If you turn left here I know how to get there! (by the way if we had turned left there we would have been going the complete opposite direction then we needed to be going.)

Anyways, I thought these were funny, of course they cannot translate as well in written words as they were in real life, but these are the things I have been laughing at.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas

Update to come....


Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hello all,

This morning I went to church and was surprised to see a couple of old friends. It is a couple that I worked with in Campbell River, when I worked at The Salvation Army there in 2004. After church there was a potluck, so I had a chance to connect with them. They have always been the type of people that are encouraging, and always seeking out God's will, and this has taken them many places and in many different situations. This morning I found out that there are in Salmon Arm and teaching a course at a bible school, as well as mentoring students in the area of mission and trying to help them find their passion in the Lord. It was good to see them, as well as encouraging. They even dropped the idea of me to perhaps come with them to Guatamala in October...we'll see though...

At church today our pastor spoke on friendship and being a Godly friend to be able to encourage others and bring them out to their potential. This is something that is passionate to me. I know there have been people in my life that have encouraged me in many ways, and I am incredibly thankful for that. I can only hope and work towards being that kind of a friend to others. I do consciously try, and hope that what I portray to my friends is love and care for my opinion and understanding, love is important above all else. It is far too easy to get wrapped into friendship that are based solely on joking, and playfully mock each other, and in that we often lose the importance of encouragement. This is my goal, to be a good friend to others, and to show consistent love and care for them. There are times when we can lift others, and there are times when we need to be lifted. Thank-you to my friends who have lifted me in times when I have needed all are precious to me.

Hope everyone is well,
